



Tel: 025-83793729 (O) Email: duyanjun@seu.edu.cn


2005年4月~ 教授博导,东南大学岩土工程研究所;2010年任岩土所所长

国际学术期刊Lowland Technology International编委(2001-2004),国际土工期刊ASCE Journal of Geotech. & Geoenviron等审稿人。

1) 2012年“钉形双向搅拌桩和排水粉喷桩复合地基新技术与应用”获国家技术发明二等奖,排名6.
2) 2012年入选江苏省杰出青年基金。
3) 2011年入选江苏省333高层人才工程第三层次培育对象。江苏省。
4) 2009年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才。教育部。
5) 高等级公路膨胀土路基土质改良。国家教委科技进步二等奖,排名6,1997。

1. 国家自然科学基金“膨润土系竖向隔离墙阻滞重金属污染物运移的机理及性能研究”,2013-2016.
2. 江苏省杰出青年基金“特殊路基填土固化稳定再生利用的关键问题研究”2012-2015.
3. 基于电石渣的氯化钙改良过湿粘土的机理和应用研究。国家自然科学基金面上项目。2009-2011。
4. 重金属污染土的固化机理和稳定性研究。国家自然科学基金面上项目。2009-2011。
5. 电石渣改良过湿土路用性能研究。江苏省交通厅科技项目。2008-2010。
6. 固体废弃物填埋场顶部覆盖层防渗性能研究。教育部留学回国人员基金委。2007-2009。
7. 近海底泥污染机理研究。日本国际合作项目。2007-2010。
8. 日本、中国和东南亚其他国家填埋场防渗技术研究比较。日本国际合作项目。2006-2009。
9. 填埋场覆盖粘土层干裂的防治试验研究。日本鹿岛财团研究助成金。2007-2008。高盐分地下水浸入条件下水泥和石灰改良土的长期强度性状研究。日本文部省科学研究费若手研究(B)。2007-2009。
10. 日本固体废弃物填埋场顶部覆盖层结构和长期防渗性能研究。日本文部省科学研究费若手研究(B)。2004-2006。
11. 土质遮蔽-水封设计理念的新型填埋场底部防渗系统的设计研究。日本鹿岛财团研究助成金。2003-2004。

1. 城市典型工业污染场地评价和修复关键技术研究。江苏省科技支撑计划(社会发展方向),技术骨干,负责污染土固化稳定、膨润土系隔离法、长期稳定性状研究内容。2011-2013.
2. 有明海底泥改良与底栖生物复回试验研究。日本文部科学省科学调整费(JST)重大课题,技术骨干,2005-2008。
3. 有明海污染底泥修复技术。日本农林水产省重点课题,技术骨干,2001-2005。
4. 高等级公路液化地基处理与桥梁地基抗震技术研究。江苏省交通厅科技项目,技术骨干,1997-1999。

1. Du, Y. J., Li, S. L, and Hayashi, S. (1999). Swelling-shrinkage properties and soil improvement of compacted expansive soil, Ning-Lian Highway, China. Engineering Geology, Vol. 53, pp. 351-358
2. Du, Y. J., Hayashi, S., Hino, T., and Tanaka, K. (2000) Contaminant adsorption characteristics of Kyushu regional soils, Lowland Technology International, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 31-41.
3. Chai, J. C., Liu, S. Y. and Du, Y. J. (2002) Field properties and settlement calculation of soil-cement column improved soft subsoil-A case study. Lowland Technology International, Vol.4, No. 2, pp.51-58.
4. Du, Y. J., Hayashi, S. (2004). Effect of leachate composition on the adsorption properties of two soils. Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, Vol.27, No.4, 404-410.
5. Du, Y. J., Hayashi, S. and Xu, Y. F. (2004). Some factors controlling the adsorption of potassium contaminants on clayey soils. Applied Clay Science, Vol. 27, No. 34, 209-213
6. Du Y.J., Liu S.Y., Hayashi S. (2005). Assessment of Ariake clay as a landfill barrier material. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 27(10): 1215-1221.
7. Du Y.J., and Liu S. Y. (2005). Discussion on "Geoenvironmental Properties of Silty Soil Mixed with Dredged Soil Applied as Clay Liner of Landfill". Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 27(11): 1367 (in Chinese).
8. Du, Y. J. and Hayashi, S. (2005). Investigation on some factors controlling the sorption of heavy metals on Ariake clay. Lowland Technology International. 7(1): 43-50 (EI).
9. Hayashi, S., Du, Y. J. (2005). Geotechnical analysis of Mizuki embankment remains. Soils and Foundations , 45(6): 44-53.(SCI)
10. Du, Y.J., Hayashi, S., and Liu, S.Y. (2005). Experimental study of migration of potassium ion through a two-layer soil system. Environmental Geology, 48(8): 1096-1106 (SCI, EI).
11. Du, Y. J., Hayashi, S. (2006). A study on sorption properties of Cd2+ on Ariake clay for evaluating its potential use as a landfill barrier material. Applied Clay Science. 32(3): 14-24 (SCI, EI).
12. Hayashi, S., Du, Y. J*. (2006). Effect of acid treatment agent of sea laver on geoenvironmental properties of tidal flat muds in the Ariake Sea. Journal of ASTM International, 3(4): 52-58.(EI)
13. Du, Y. J. and Liu, S. Y. (2006). Some factors controlling the diffusive transport of potassium through clayey soils. Journal of Southeast University, 22(1): 106-111. (EI)
14. Sridharan A., Hayashi S. and Du Y.J. (2007). Discussion on “Structure characteristics and mechanical properties of kaolinite soils. I. Surface Charges and Structural Characterisations”. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 44(2): 241-242 (SCI).
15. Y.F. Xu, J. Huang, Y.J. Du, D.A. Sun (2008). Earth reinforcement using soilbags. Geotextile and Geomembranes. 26(3): 279-289
16. Liu, S.Y., Du Y.J.*, Han L.H., and Gu M.F. (2008). Experimental study on the electrical resistivity of soil-cement admixtures. Environmental Geology, 54(6):1227-1233.
17. Du Y.J., Liu S., Hayashi S. (2008). Experimental study on the deterioration and natural remediation of the Ariake Sea tidal mud caused by the sea laver treatment acid practice and the upward seepage of pore water liquid. Environmental Geology, 55(4): 889-900
18. Shen S.L. Han J. and Du Y.J. (2008). Deep mixing induced property changes in surrounding sensitive marine clays, Journal of Geotechncial Engineering and Geoenvironmenal Engineering ASCE, 134(6): 845-854.
19. Harianto T., Hayashi S., Du Y.J., Suetsugu D. (2008). Effects of fiber additives on the desiccation crack behavior of the compacted Akaboku soil as a material for landfill cover barrier. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 194(1): 141-149.
20. Du Y.J. Hayashi S., and Shen S.L. (2009). Contaminant mitigating performance of Chinese standard municipal solid waste landfill liner systems. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 27(3): 232-239.
21. Xu Y.S., Shen S.L. Du Y.J. (2009). Geological and hydrogeological environment in Shanghai with geohazards to construction and maintenance of infrastructures. Engineering Geology, 109(3): 241-254.
22. Shen S.L., Du Y.J., Luo C.Y. (2010). Evaluation of the effect of DOT shield rolling-correction via apply one-side block loading, Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 47(10): 1060-1070
23. Poungchompu P., Hayashi S., Suetsugu D., Du Y.J., Alfaro M.C. (2010). Performance of raft & pile foundation on soft ariake clay ground under embankment loading. Lowland Technology International, 12(1): 41-46
24. Chen L., Du Y.J.*, Liu S.Y., Jin F. (2011). Evaluation of hydration of cement stabilized lead contaminated soil using electrical resistivity measurement. ASCE Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste. 15(4): 312-320.
25. Liu S.Y., Shao G.H., Du Y.J.* (2011). Depositional and Geotechnical Properties of marine clays in Lianyungang, China. Engineering Geology. 121 (1-2): 66-74.
26. Chen L., Liu S.Y., Du Y.J.*, Jin F. (2010). Strength comparison of cement solidified/stabilized soils contaminated by lead and copper. ASCE GSP 204 Geoenvironmental Engineering and Geotechnics, 1: 103-110.
27. Du YJ, Zhang YY, Liu SY (2011). Investigation of strength and California bearing ratio properties of natural soils treated by calcium carbide residue, Proceedings of Geo-Frontiers 2011: Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, 1237-1244.
28. Du YJ, Fan RD (2011). Compressibility and permeability behavior of two types of soil- bentonite vertical cutoff wall backfills. Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics, 32: 49-54 (in Chinese) .
29. Horpibulsuk S, Yangsukkaseam N, Chinkulkijniwat A, Du YJ (2011). Compressibility and permeability of Bangkok clay compared with kaolinite and bentonite, Applied Clay Science, 52(1-2): 150-159.
30. Wei ML, Du YJ*, Zhang F (2011). Fundamental properties of strength and deformation of cement solidified/stabilized zinc contaminated soils. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 32: 306-312 (in Chinese).
31. 魏明俐、杜延军*、张帆(2011). 水泥固化锌污染黏土的压缩特性试验研究。土木工程学报, 44: 165-168
32. Du YJ*, Jiang NJ, Shen SL, Jin F (2012). Experimental investigation of influence of acid rain on leaching and hydraulic characteristics of cement-based solidified/stabilized lead contaminated clay. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 225-226(6): 195-201.
33. Liu S.Y., Du Y.J.*, Yi Y.L., Pulpara A. (2012). Field investigation on performance of T-shaped deep mixed columns over soft ground. Journal of Geotechncial Engineering and Geoenvironmenal Engineering ASCE, 137(6):718-727.
34. 蒋宁俊,杜延军,刘松玉,李晨阳,李文涛(2012). 酸雨入渗对水泥固化铅污染土淋滤特性的影响研究.岩土工程学报(录用待刊)
35. 杜延军,蒋宁俊,王乐,魏明俐(2012). 水泥固化锌污染高岭土强度及微观特性研究。岩土工程学报, 34(11): 2114-2120.
36. Xu YS, Shen SL, DuYJ, Chai JC (2012). Analysis of urbanisation-induced subsidence in Shanghai. Natural Hazards, 63(2): 1255-1267. (SCI)
37. 范日东、杜延军、刘松玉、陈左伯(2012). 受铅污染的土-膨润土竖向隔离墙材料的压缩及渗透特性试验研究.岩土工程学报(录用待刊)

[1] 发明名称:过湿土壤固化剂及其对土壤进行固化的方法
专利公开号:CN 101602946A ;专利号: ZL200910032013.6
[2] 发明名称:一种重金属工业污染场地的原位固化隔离治理方法
专利公开号:CN101773928A;专利号: ZL20091026163.X
[3] 发明名称: 用带盒塑料排水板进行真空预压固结的方法
专利公开号:CN 101144274A;专利号:ZL200710047143.8
发明人: 沈水龙,柴锦春,杜延军,洪振舜
[4] 发明名称:使用中形搅拌桩处理三层软弱地基的方法
专利公开号:CN 101514549A;专利号:ZL200910026108.7
发明人:刘松玉,易耀林,杜延军,经 绯,宫能和

2. 土力学《第三版》,2011年,中国建筑工业出版社。参编第5章。

2008 级: 张帆(江苏海门工业园区管理委员会) 、张莹莹 (云南省交通规划设计院;国家重点实验室)
2009级:金飞 (已获国家留学基金委全额资助、赴英国剑桥大学攻读岩土工程方向博士,导师Abir Al-Tabbaa)

2011级:覃小刚、杨玉玲;蒋宁俊(副导师)(已获国家留学基金委全额资助、2012年10月赴英国剑桥大学攻读岩土工程方向博士,导师Kenichi Soga教授)